The Online Application System

Your application for Mathcamp (admissions and financial aid) takes place on our online application system:

Once you have created a username/password for that system, you can continue to use it in the future: if you apply more than once, you can use the same credentials each year.

Your entire application can be submitted through the appsys: you will upload your Qualifying Quiz as a PDF, paste in what you've written for the "About You" section, and fill in the contact information for your reference, all through this central system. You can also create a financial aid form that you fill out together with your family or send via the system to a parent/guardian.

Whitelisting Emails from Mathcamp

We will announce our admissions and financial aid decisions via email, so it's important that your email client knows not to mark emails from Mathcamp as spam! The emails will come from the address "admissions25 (at)". We encourage you to take a minute now to whitelist the domain to make sure that you get our emails. Below are instructions for Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail users; if your email is through another domain, check online for instructions (or contact your internet service provider).


  1. Follow the "Settings" link in Gmail.
  2. Go to "Filters".
  3. Click "Create a new filter".
  4. Type the desired email address under "From:". To whitelist all emails from "", type "" (not including the quotation marks), and mark "Never send it to Spam".
  5. Click "Create filter".
  6. You're done!


  1. Go to "Options" (top right), "More Options", and then select the "Filters" category.
  2. Click "Add Filter".
  3. Give the filter an appropriate name under Filter Name (like "Mathcamp!").
  4. Make sure the first criterion reads "sender: contains".
  5. To whitelist all Mathcamp mail, type "" (without the quotes).
  6. Select the desired destination folder (like the Inbox, for example) under "Move the message to:".
  7. Click "Add Filter" again (at the top).
  8. You're done!


  1. Go to "Options" (top right), "More Options", and then select the "Safe and blocked senders" category.
  2. Select "Safe senders".
  3. Type "" (without the quotes) and then click "Add to list".
  4. You're done!