2012 Staff

The 2012 Faculty:

  • Alfonso Gracia-Saz is an Senior Instructor at the University of Victoria. His mathematical interests include Math education, Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids, and "algebraic differential geometry."
  • Ari Nieh is a freelance musician, teacher, and tutor. His mathematical interests include Knot Theory and Topological Quantum Field Theory.
  • David Savitt (Mathcamp Deputy Director) is an Associate Professor at the University of Arizona. His mathematical interests include Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry. Visit David's website.
  • Marisa Debowsky is the Program Director of Mathcamp (and Mathcamp's only year-round employee). Her mathematical interests include Topological Graph Theory and Combinatorics.
  • Mark Krusemeyer is a Professor at Carleton College. His mathematical interests include Abstract Algebra, Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Problem Solving.
  • Mira Bernstein (Mathcamp Executive Director) is the Project Manager of the Oregon Health Study at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Her mathematical interests include Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Biology, and Information Theory.
  • Mohamed Omar is a Harry Bateman Research Instructor at Caltech. His mathematical interests include Combinatorics, Applied Algebraic Geometry, and Discrete Optimization. Visit Mohamed's website.


  • Adam Hesterberg, in Budapest on a Fulbright
  • Asilata Bapat, grad student at the University of Chicago
  • Hannah Alpert, grad student at MIT
  • Kevin Carde, grad student at the University of Michigan
  • Mike Hall, grad student at UCLA
  • Nic Ford, grad student at the University of Michigan
  • Noah Schweber, grad student at Berkeley
  • Paddy Bartlett, grad student at Caltech
  • Ruthi Hortsch, grad student at MIT
  • Susan Durst, grad student at Rutgers
  • Eric Wofsey, grad student at Harvard


  • David Hemminger, freshman at Duke
  • Don Laackman, senior at University of Chicago
  • Helin Gao, freshman at Stanford
  • Jamin Liu, freshman at MIT
  • Lewis Ellis, freshman at University of Pennsylvania
  • Lucas Garron, senior at Stanford
  • Roxana Feier, senior at Harvard
  • Sonya Levitova, freshman at Yale

Generally Helpful Person:

  • Gloria Krusemeyer became the Generally Helpful Person at Mathcamp in 2012, after many summers as the volunteer. Campers will see her running craft projects, organizing dancing events, and using her engineering-oriented brain to solve real-world problems.


  • Anne Kinne is a Registered Nurse.