FAQ Answers

Many people ask similar questions about the statements of Quiz problems via our QQ helpline. As we receive questions, we will keep adding our answers here; you might find them helpful!

Problem 1

Can the numbers in question be decimals?

No, Problem 1 is just about integers.

Problem 2

What does "a ride of n stops" mean? Do the first and last stations count as stops?

The number of stops is the number of times the train stops after you get on it. In other words, the station where you get on doesn't count, but the station where you get off does. (This is standard terminology used by people who ride buses and trains.)

For example, suppose A, B, C, and D are consecutive stations on a line. Then a ride from A to B is 1 stop and would cost 1 token. A ride from A to C would cost 2 tokens (1 stop from A to B, one more stop from B to C), and a ride from A to D would cost 3 tokens.

If C, E, F are consecutive stations on a different line and you go from A to F by switching at C, then your ride would cost 4 tokens: 2 stops from A to C, 2 stops from C to F, and no cost for switching lines.

Can we assume that a pair of lines intersect each other no more than once in part b?

In 2b, a pair of subway lines can intersect any nonzero number of times, but exactly one of these intersections is a station.

Problem 4

In Problem 4a, to show that the required polyhedron exists, the problem says that we can "specify the coordinates of the vertices, and then check everything that needs to be checked". But what exactly needs to be checked here? If you look up the definition of "polyhedron" on Wikipedia, it states: "Many definitions of 'polyhedron' have been given within particular contexts ... and there is no universal agreement over which of these to choose." So what do we actually need to prove?

For the purposes of this problem, to show that a particular set of points form the vertices of the required polyhedron, you need to specify twelve 5-tuples of points that correspond to the faces of your polyhedron and then prove that each of these 5-tuples does indeed form a "crescent" as defined in the problem. (Technically, before you conclude that the resulting shape is a polyhedron, there is a lot more that would need to be verified -- e.g. each edge belongs to exactly two faces, each pair of intersecting faces meets only at a vertex or an edge, etc. But you don't need to prove any of those on the Quiz.)

We are more interested in how you structure your argument than in the details of your calculations. So if you have a lot of similar calculations, you can just give the details for one and say that the others are analogous. And definitely feel free to appeal to symmetry when appropriate.

In Problem 4a, can I use a calculator / Desmos / 3D modeling software in my proof that the required polyhedron exists?

If you're using any of these tools, then you've probably already figured out the coordinates of the vertices. So, as explained in the previous answer (see above), what remains is to specify which 5-tuples of vertices form faces and to prove that these faces are crescents. However, since the coordinates of the vertices involve irrational numbers, any computations on a calculator, Desmos, or most other software would be only approximate, hence insufficient for a proof. In this sense, a 3D model in Desmos is basically equivalent to a paper model: it's great for visualization and checking your intuition, and if you've made it, you should include it in your solution. But because it's only an approximation, it's not a proof.

In Problem 4b, can you cut some of the edges between adjacent faces in the net?

Yes, you can, as long as your net still remains a single connected piece. (I.e. you should be able to go from any face to any other face in the net via the uncut edges.)

Problem 5

Is every plot of land in Infiana owned by some farmer?


Can you explain the condition "any two points belonging to the same farmer can be connected by a road that lies within that farmer's territory and that does not pass through a vertex of a 1×1 plot". Does the road have to be straight?

No, the road does not have to be straight. It just has to cross from one plot to another through edges, not vertices. This condition is meant to ensure that all the plots in a single territory are connected via edges ("orthogonal adjacency"). So you can't have a territory that consists of two pieces joined only by a single vertex: to get from one of those pieces to the other, the road would have to pass through the vertex, which is not allowed.

Do the laws of Infiana require that the total amount of fencing on a farmer's territory be finite, or does the law only apply to an individual fence?

The law only requires that each individual fence be finite; it does not say anything about the total length of all the fences.

I think I found a counterexample to 5b: an example of a territory that can be subdivided into an infinite number of pieces. (Several people have asked this question, all with essentially the same counterexample.)

The statement in 5b is true. If you think you have a counterexample, it must violate one of the problem conditions. Reread the problem carefully!

Problem 6

In 6c and 6d, should we consider the cases where the people are within 1 meter of each other during a non-integer time in seconds?

Yes, non-integer times do count.