Life in the Dorms

The Main Lounge is the hub of camp social life, with constant activity at most hours of the day. Near the Main Lounge is the schedule board, which tells you what's going on this week at camp. There are other smaller lounges throughout the dorm: designated lounges for ping-pong, Zome (a mathematical construction tool), board games, and the Mathcamp library, plus all-purpose lounges for relaxing.

Photo of the schedule board

The Mathcamp Office is the place to go for information, laundry detergent, to check out to go off-campus, to see the camp nurse, or just to drop by and say hello to the staff.

The configuration of the dorms can vary from summer to summer: we have either one large dorm or several adjacent smaller dorms. Students are typically housed on single-gender halls, in double or single rooms. We also offer the option (open to all students) to live on an all-gender hall with gender-neutral bathrooms.

On Campus

Being at Mathcamp is a little bit like being a college student for five weeks: you will live in a college dorm, eat in a college dining hall, and have classes in the (you guessed it) college classrooms. We also invite you to make use of the resources available to you on campus:

  • Computer labs
  • Fitness Center
  • Fields and other open green spaces on campus for sports
  • The campus library (students can both browse and borrow)
  • Pianos and music practice rooms

The details vary from year to year: stay tuned for specifics about this summer's campus facilities.


Anything on the campus map is defined as "on campus." Students are free to go off-campus in groups of two or more, with some caveats: the group must check out before leaving, bring a cell phone, check back in upon return, and don't forget to do your daily sign in.